Resource & Advice
What’s the difference between Osteopathy, Chiropractic and Physiotherapy?
Of course we are not Physiotherapists or Chiropractors, so will take care to stick to the known facts of these two professions. Modern Physiotherapy focuses on rehabilitation using electro-therapies, taping and exercise prescription. Their three year training limits hands on care and diagnosis. Indeed, physios in Victoria are graduating with little to no education in […]
Trying to lose weight during the summer holidays
Well, summer and holidays are nearly upon us and even though you’re really needing a break, you don’t feel up to it. You want to lose weight, can’t even look at yourself in the mirror, you want to get healthy and fit, because you’re plainly NOT; you’re always tired, maybe You’ve not fully recovered from […]
Prioritising protein during perimenopause may ward off weight gain
While it’s a well-known fact that women are more susceptible to weight gain and obesity as they approach menopause, little is known about the mechanisms driving this. In a new concept paper, researchers from the University of Sydney’s Charles Perkins Centre propose that such problems develop when no changes to food intake or levels of […]
Shocking BMJ investigation into the financial relationships with the drug industry and regulators
Dr Aseem Malhotra’s interview regarding the shocking BMJ investigation into the financial relationships with the drug industry and regulators.
Using Anti-Inflammatory Drugs May Prolong Back Pain
A new study questions the conventional wisdom of using steroids and anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen to treat low back pain if exercise and other non-drug therapies don't work right away. Those medications offer relief from acute pain but may actually increase a person's chances of developing chronic pain, said the study published in Science Translational […]
Your Back Hurts More Than a Neanderthal’s and Her…
Of course we have no idea how Neanderthals managed their back pain, but they weren’t stupid so we can assume they stretched and massaged and probably even manipulated joints if they were in pain and stuck. Nevertheless the message is correct - we need to move. Read more You can talk to our friendly staff […]
Dietary recommendations for inflammation and systemic arthritis
Which diet should we recommend to patients with generalised inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, or psoriatic arthritis? Weight loss, omega-3 supplements, the Mediterranean diet? What about exclusion diets? Jérémie Sellam, MD, PhD, from Saint-Antoine Hospital in Paris, summarizes the key points of the first set of dietary recommendations of the French Society for Rheumatology. The idea […]

Lifestyle diseases & Low Carbohydrate Healthy Fat diet
Designed to give you some basic information on how to lower your risk of lifestyle diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, endogenous depression etc. using a low carb, high (healthy) fat diet

Lower back stretch routine
These stretches are designed for relief of leg, back and neck pain. For best results perform them every 1-2 hours if your work or daily life activities require you to sit at a computer or desk. Hold only tensions that feel good to you or give slight discomfort. Do not stretch into pain, or overstretch. […]

The US President’s doctor comes from a uniquely American style of medicine
Osteopathy was founded by a 19th-century healer who believed the body was a self-healing machine. ELEANOR CUMMINS OCTOBER 6, 2020 Read the article here

Women’s Health, Pregnancy Massage & Birth
Have you struggled to recover from the birth of your child? are you struggling through your pregnancy? Is your pregnancy exhausting and painful? Do you suffer from PMS, endometriosis or period pain? Do you find sexual intercourse painful? Do you feel embarrassed and debilitated by incontinence? Are you struggling to conceive? Each of these problems […]

Traditional Chinese Medicine at Central Sydney Osteopathy
ALERT: we are offering Chinese herbal medicine consults using Zoom, during the pandemic shutdown. If you are requiring a consult, please contact the clinic. Traditional Chinese Medicine - What Is It? Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a form of healing originating in China more than 5000 years ago. The two main tools of TCM are acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. Depending […]