Yearly Archives: 2020

The US President’s doctor comes from a uniquely American style of medicine
Osteopathy was founded by a 19th-century healer who believed the body was a self-healing machine. ELEANOR CUMMINS OCTOBER 6, 2020 Read the article here

Women’s Health, Pregnancy Massage & Birth
Have you struggled to recover from the birth of your child? are you struggling through your pregnancy? Is your pregnancy exhausting and painful? Do you suffer from PMS, endometriosis or period pain? Do you find sexual intercourse painful? Do you feel embarrassed and debilitated by incontinence? Are you struggling to conceive? Each of these problems […]

Traditional Chinese Medicine at Central Sydney Osteopathy
ALERT: we are offering Chinese herbal medicine consults using Zoom, during the pandemic shutdown. If you are requiring a consult, please contact the clinic. Traditional Chinese Medicine - What Is It? Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a form of healing originating in China more than 5000 years ago. The two main tools of TCM are acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. Depending […]

Surgery and how we can help
Seriously, don't come to see us for care after surgery until 10 days have passed and your external wounds are pretty solidly healed. Of course we are not going to throw you about post surgery; we will be appropriately gentle and specific with our care. After surgery you need to eat well - a daily pho won't go astray - and rest. Really rest […]

Sport & Injuries
By its very nature, exercise and sport can cause injuries. Whatever those injuries are, many practitioners consider that the cause of the injury, and the result of the injury, is muscle weakness - and what is needed is strengthening exercises. So the recommendation is exercise, exercise and more exercise to somehow enable repair and rehabilitation. It rarely works, and because […]

Sleep. Why is it so important?
Sleep is one of the most important health measures we have. Recent American research shows that lack of sleep is epidemic and constitutes a public health crisis. Poor sleep quality has been proven to result in poor physical health, poor memory, and in fact nearly all people suffering mental health problems have a history of […]

What is Osteopathy and how can it help me?
Osteopathy is a system of manual medicine which aims to improve health, function and well-being by removal of the mechanical dysfunctions, fascial strain patterns and movement restrictions which are part of illness and poor function, and which can hinder a return to good health. These mechanical restrictions make your body mechanically and physiologically inefficient - […]

Massage at Central Sydney Osteopathy
Enjoying a massage in here at CSO can be one of the most effective ways to relieve daily stresses and to relax. Massage therapy can reduce muscle tension, increase joint mobility and improve well being. The massage therapists at Central Sydney Osteopathy offer a range of therapies, including remedial massage, pregnancy massage, fascial release and […]

Getting Older, Becoming Vulnerable.
As we age, your mobility and your balance are integral to you good health. Nothing keeps you happy and healthy like the ability to perform the required activities of daily living independently, to dress yourself, feed yourself, work, walk, play bowls, golf, cycle or shop, travel or garden. At CSO we really enjoy offering care to many […]

You’ve Got the Flu. Now what?
Firstly, you've had the vaccination that matches the circulating strain? Yes? No? In either case, stay home, as much as you can. The flu virus hangs around in the air for up to 2 hours, so don't go out to get it, and don't go out to spread it. Breathe only warm air, drink only warm fluids. […]

Fractures in Detail
When a bone is broken, it will initially need to be x-rayed or scanned and your medical doctor will decide on a course of action that may be splinting, an open surgical reduction or no action at all. But the trauma that caused the break is not confined to the broken bone - that just […]

How can acupuncture help?
The acupuncture clinic in Newtown offers individual, tailored treatments to reduce symptoms associated with many health disorders. According to Chinese medicine theory, the body’s Qi (or energy) flows through the body along specific pathways (meridians) and connects the body’s tissues with internal organs. Imbalances in this energy such as blockage or weakness can cause pain, […]